The request was made a couple of years ago to create a simple content management system on the back-end of a customers website we (Garlic D'zign) had designed. They wanted to have the ability to make quick needed changes and the option to add photos and a little html.

So our lead developer got busy creating a small usable system that would do the things they required. The customer loved it. For a while anyway until he started asking for it to do more. He wasn't the only one asking, more and more customers were inquiring about building a bigger and better platform that included many features. Customers that were not happy with other programs available at the time.

The only open source systems that were out there, was Drupal and Joomla, with Wordpress slowly moving up the ladder. Thes programs were not so user friendly, especially to people knowing nothing about html and where to start.

We started thinking about developing our own fully developed platform that would eventually far surpass these other CMS and blogging platforms, if not, at least be in the competitive market.

Within a year we cranked out a rough test of our creation. Designing it to what we had heard customers ask for and after researching the market and forums to see what individuals were needing in the way of designing and editing there web sites.

So the final result! KeZoor!!

A powerful online CMS that will knock your socks off...

Check out the Features to get a good look at what's inside. Or view the demo to look around in the admin panel.
We are working on adding new features and updates everyday.

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