Changelog entry: Changelog October 9

This is the index of changelog of keZoor.
This version Changes are:
- Fixed: index_mixgroups wasnt setting the Publication option right (index_mixing.php)
- Addon: Now the widgets php file have an option to use a tpl to contain the widget (called body_<barname>_boxing.tpl )
- Fixed: Creating a new PAR it was setting the articles as unpublish by default (predefinedarts.php, predefined_publish.php)
- Fixed: Bug with vars that had numbers , ex {USR.us_1abc!}
- Fixed: There was a blank item in the users control > admincp user access section (db)
- Fixed: Now on editing a user input field, it will set the same config for the input in the editing user admincp, so u will have to use the same structure defined to the users (minchars, maxchars, whats allowed, etc) (users_fields.php)
- Fixed: The order of the news-articles were displaying in reverse (newer at bottom), now its corrected and the newer news appear at top (news.php)
- Fixed: Opening popup images that had no www. when the viewing page had it, was giving an invalid image error, now its fixed and in the config u can enable the restrict out of hosting images or no - by default enabled- (thumb2.php)
- Fixed: When an image opened with viewsinglephoto had a height bigger than the page, a little width of the image was lost due to the vertical scrollbar (common_js.tpl)
- Fixed: TPL Marks on custom_image widget werent working for the imagelink, so we werent able to use for ex the mark (customimage.php)
- Fixed: <!-- Condition if... marks were getting corrupted by fckeditor, so you were no able to use them on pages edited by fkceditor, now its fixed!
- Fixed: When a page was disabled, the user was seeing the message of page disabled with the template of that page (with sidebars too) and comments of that page, now it uses the missing_page template (index.php,main_content.php)
- Fixed: Editing a textarea, if u added a, for ex, &nbsp; and then u wanted to re-edit it, the &nbsp; got converted to a space, same thing with html quotes and such, now it will display what u wrote
- Fixed: When a new comment was posted and you were subscribed to be notified on new posts, the email message sent was empty (mailing_tpls.tpl)
- Fixed: Scribefire wasnt working since kezoor 0.9.6 (
- Fixed: Bug in the page indexer where after page 10, it was giving a wrong link for the pages
- Fixed Template: On the admin, in the options, If there were many checkboxes, on IE6, they were getting out of page, and the select menu that had the Dn,Up buttons were out of site (boxestemplates.tpl)
- Addon: Added support for external login handler (include.functions.php, include.config.php )
- Addon: Added support for articles indexer to be able to define the displaying items by their custom fields, ex, ?id=changelog&cf=true&version=0.9 , will look for all entries of changelog which version is 0.9 (cf=true is necesary to enable this definition) (articles.php)
- Addon: Now the PARS can select a defaultfolder of UserFiles so when u are posing a new article, your default folder is the one you selected (predefinedarts.php,predefinedarts_publish.php,userfiles_folder_browse.php)
- Addon: Added a button on control to rebuild the cache list (maintenance.php)
- Addon: Now you have a button in the tpl_editor while browsing classic files, it will let you EXPORT a selected TPL into your theme so you can edit it there (tpl_editor.php,tpl_editor.tpl)
- Addon: Added LINK button to fckeditor comments
- Improvement: Removed homepage from most popular pages widget
- Improvement: If somehow ip2country table content gets deleted, now it will create a proper table content that works with kezoor and set the full country name
- Improvement: Now when u go to ViewInstalledThemes, if a theme is in the DB but dont have a folder, it will be removed from the DB -preventing to have useless db config of themes that were fisically deleted- (themes.php)
- Improvement: Now the comments are indexed so u dont have all the comments in one page, now u have pages to browse them
- Improvement: Now when u add an image to the fckeditor with your browse_images, the image will be added right where u have your text line in your editor instead of the bottom of the content (browse_images.tpl)
- Improvement: Now you have a button to add thumbnail images with caption on browse_images, so it will auto-create the table with the image and a default caption text for you to edit (browse_images.tpl)
- Improvement: Improved a script of fckeditor, now on pasting a document from word, it will get rid of all the styling of word documents, making it pretty well html code without garbage of word (fck_paste.html)
- Improvement: Created cache for templates, improved the overall performance on kezoor: lastvisitors.php - improved around 5-10% of speed, tpl engine (internal cache) - improvement around 20-50% of speed, primary_menu - improved around 30% of speed, now keep in mind that editing manually the .tpl files, the changes wont appear into kezoor unless A) u delete the cache/internal_templates.cache file or save some template file with the templates_editor to refresh the cache
- Improvement: Big overall improvement of performance of kezoor engine
- Improvement: Improved the loading time for the end-user (cleaned unused scripts and such)
- Improvement: Now the users must select a country instead of begin with afghanistan selected
- Improvement: Now the indexer pages will add a ... when there are too many pages
- Change: Now the Performance Review stats will only be displayed to native admins if the option is enabled
- Change: Now the themes dont have the mdl.*.tpl files of the widgets, those files will be on the classic folder, if the theme needs to use a custom widget tpl, it will check if that file is in your theme folder, if so, will use it, you can also export the files from the classic theme to your theme by using the tpl_editor, this also reduced the theme mb size
- Change: Widgets images are saved in Classic/images/widgets/<widget_name>/
- New Feature: In the par config you can now select individually the auto-approval settings and notification email, so you dont need to use a global configuration for all the pars if u wish to have a custom config (index.php,predefinedarts.php)
- New Feature: You can now ban ips, countries, users, type of users, in determinated hours, etc from your site or posting comments, or selected pages (bans.php)
- New Widget: Photo Albums to display your albums
The Changelog is a predefined article content.
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