Changelog entry: Changelog September 10

This is the index of changelog of keZoor.
This version Changes are:
Big update

- New Feature: Kezoor Inspector, while browsing the site as admin, you can use the admincp connector (at top-right of the screen), from there, the kezoor inspector was added as the second icon of the bottom-left of that window, it will open a CSS/HTML inspector like firebug, when selecting an item it will show the tpl file which that pice of code is using, the html structure and css properties, the css can be edited live and will show your changes into the the "modified css" tab, so you can save them later.
- New Feature: Kezoor Store, with paypal express checkout support, digital downloads options, shipping options, discounts, etc.
- Fixed: Problem when posting on the kforum.
- Design change: Some tweaks to the admincp design.
- Fixed: When changing the gallery of the photo, the picture was getting lost, now its fixed (galleries.php)
- Fixed: Accents on the gallery photo name were not working right (galleries.php)
- Fixed: usersfields had problems when saving languages texts (users_fields.php)
- Fixed: usersfields had problems when setting categories on create (users_fields.php)
- Fixed: dependant fields werent working right (common_js.tpl,html.tpl)
- Changed: Now there wont be error texts on the fields until you write something, it will just show the error icon at first (include.functions.php)
- Performance: Performance improved up to 3x  (300% faster on some cases) of loading time on a page that it used to take 3.2s (very heavy page on slow cpu) now takes as low as 1.0s (include.functions.php, performance.php,, include.recall.php, _recall.php)
- Performance: Now images using the thumbnail module are cached, this was a huge performance eater when having a lot of images due to the image creation, now this is all fixed and really fast (thumb2.php, .htaccess)
- Performance: Queries re-requested while on execution are now cached for better performance (include.functions.php)
- Performance: Secondary menues are now cached (personalizedmenu.php)
- Performance: Fixed bug which was provoking every page to be "loaded" twice due to a code <img src="" (blank source) so it was calling the page again (common_js.tpl)
- A lot of undocumented fixes/improvements.
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