List of the available widgets and their brief description, keep in mind that KeZoor allows to create custom widgets for your site using PHP, it comes with utilities to store the widgets information right into the database.

Personalized Menu
Create a custom menu. Allows for a dropdown menu.
User Panel
Create a User Login box and customize the texts and titles for registered users and guests.
Latest Visitors
Show a list of the latest visitors in your site, showing their country and user status.
Custom Image
Create a box with an image, select the image link, or let the widget auto-find an image in your folder that fits your page section.
Info Box
Create a box the title and text you want to.
Quick Links
Create a box with links, you can select each link to which kind of user will see it.
Most Popular Pages
Display a list of the most popular pages in your site.
Create a search box.
Latest Articles
Create a box with the latest articles published in the categories you want, show as detailed or just a list, you can also select to show a random article from the category.
RSS Feeds
Load a RSS Feed and show it in a box.
Create a box with a clock.
Create a box with the current calendar of the month and show the events of the dates.
Who is online now
Create a box with the current active users on your site.
Your RSS
Create a box to provide your RSS Sources.
Site Content
Create a box with your site content links (as a site-map).
Create a box with a button to subscribe to the newsletter.
Create a box with a button to let the user contribute in your site with a story.
Rate Articles
Create a box with rating options for your articles (this will only appear if the page has the rating enabled)
Create a box with your desired HTML content.
Create a box with a poll.
Upcoming events
Create a box with the upcoming events of your site.
Gallery Photo
Create a box with photos of your gallery.
