Kezoor Documentation: Photo Galleries

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You can create galleries to display your images and let the users upload photos among other features.
This is divided as a PAR, has 4 tabs, Gallery, Photo Browsing, Awaiting Approval and Comments.

- Gallery

Here you can create your gallery or edit the configuration.

-- General

Title: Here you can write the title of your gallery, this will be displayed to the user.

Gallery SubGroups: You can create sub-galleries (as folders) to store photos in a more organized way, if you want to create a sub-gallery, just select the owner here.

Order of the Photos: You can select the order the photos will be displayed in the page.

Hidden for Guests: You can hide this gallery if the user is not registered.

Gallery Enabled: You can enable or disable the gallery at any time.

Hide Information: When a user clicks on a thumbnail of the photos, it will open a popup with the full sized photo and display a description of the photo along with some information, here you can disable some of that information so the user cant see it.

How many images to show: You can set how many photos will be displayed before splitting into pages.

Allow Comments: You can allow users to comment in the photos.

Allow Comments > Guests: As a complement of 'Allow Comments', you can let guests post comments.

Special Icon: If this gallery is a sub-gallery, it will need an icon in the thumbnail, you can provide one or it will appear as a folder icon.

Notify on Comments: As a complement of 'Allow Comments', you can be notified when a user post a comment.

-- Uploading

Upload Enabled: You can let users upload photos into the gallery by enabling this option.

Auto Approval Uploads: You can define if the uploaded photos will be automatically approved or not.

Maximum of images in the gallery: You can set a maximum of images so when it reachs the number, no one can upload more images.

Max images sizes (total): You can define a total size of the gallery (in KB's) so it wont exceed that limit.

Max image Size: You can define a maximum size (in KB's) for each image.

Allowed Extensions: You can define what extensions are allowed to be uploaded into the gallery (JPG, BMP, GIF, etc)

Only let upload to: You can define a UserGroup to be only allowed to upload photos.

Notify on Image Submissions: If you want to be notified when someone submits an image, you can write the email to notify to here.

Restrict Images per Day: You can restrict the total amount of images a user can upload per day.

Restrict Images per Month: You can restrict the total amount of images a user can upload per month.

Disable restrictions to: You can disable this restrictions to a UserGroup.

-- Styling

Use a custom TPL: You can use a custom TPL file to modify the style of the gallery.

- Photo Browsing

Here you can see your gallery photos, approve, edit, upload or delete photos.

- Awaiting Approval

If there are photos awaiting approval, they will appear here

- Comments

Here you can manage the comments of the Photos.

Creating a Page to display a gallery

The galleries you create can be accesible by browsing at /content/gallery/&gid=<your_gallery_id> but if you want to use different Sidebars or Templates for each gallery or you just want to be on a different page, you can create a new page (See 'Webpages and Sidebars > Publish Content' for more information) and in the type of page, you can select GALLERY and then select your gallery ID, this will create a page that will display the gallery when requested.

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