Index of Version Changelog

This is the index of changelog of keZoor.

Changelog March 1
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 17-Mar-11 15:26
Category: Content
Revision: 1.1.1

- Fixed: Using the archives pages with an incorrect category number was giving a sql error, now it shows the missingpage (archives.php)
- Fixed: When creating an export, the link on the message to edit that just created export was linking to the classic file instead of the new file (tpl_editor.php)
- Fixed: Still had some issues with latin characters in the templates editor, now it should be fixed (tpl_editor.php, tpl_editor.tpl)
- Fixed: Using the filter to filter by form_input values of forms could match items that didnt have a match
- Fixed: When editing menues in the admincp, if the menues opened dont fit in the emulator, it will auto resize
- Fixed: There was a problem when creating sub-menues in the vertical menu emulator
- Fixed: The nickname-profile field had a missing css class so the width of the input wasnt as long as the other inputs of the profile
- Fixed: When creating a blank template content, kezoor was adding a DIV at the end of your content, now this div is removed so it will only output your content (main_content.php)
- Fixed: The avatar field wasnt visible in the profile edition of the user (profile.php)
- Fixed: The verification code box in the registration screen had the image code below the inputbox instead of side to side (profile.php)
- Fixed: The latestArticles module was showing the articles only in english instead of the selected user language (latestarticles.php)
- Fixed: In some systems, using a language other than english, the dates text was still english
- Fixed: If the site had controled registrations, the email sent to the user after validating the email was saying that he had access to the site, now it says he must wait for another email to approve his account (mailing_tpls.tpl)
- Fixed: In some cases the emails sent from kezoor were having a line at top of the content of some mail code, now this is fixed (smtp.php)
- New Feature: Widgets can be set to display only to certain groups (laterals.php, popup_modulesconfig.php)
- New Feature: Added a language editor in the admincp to be able to edit all language texts, to make this happen, a big change in the way the languages are handled has been made
- Addon: Now you can define that a field that is not editable for the user (from user profile inputs) also wont appear in their profile as visibile-only
- Addon: Added a link at the bottom of the edition of custom fields of users and forms to be able to edit the field that connects with the selected field to display in the admincp
- Improvement: Now when submiting a form, sending a comment or editing profile, if for some reason you get to the page that tells you an error instead of the live-check for errors on the inputs, you will get a goback button that will re-fill the form with your data submitted so you dont have to fill all again
- Improvement: Added the option to add file-inputs to the forms
- Improvement: Now the captcha has a refresh button to refresh the code if you dont understand the one given
- Improvement: Changed the way kezoor displays the fields-error messages in the fields
- Improvement: Added a style for all templates to style the input, select and textarea inputboxes a little nicer
- Improvement: Now the CSS Editor can handle css style names with this chasracters: []"=
- Improvement: Added an space between the fields in all forms
- Improvement: The countries list inputbox had two countries named AP, now both are removed and the whole list isnt uppercase anymore (ip2country.php, maintenance.php)
- Security Fix: When a field was set to not allow empty values, it was accepting a blank space, now this is not accepted anymore
Changelog July 13
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 13-Jul-10 13:28
Category: Content
Revision: 1.1.0

- Fixed: When saving a page that has a widget RSSReader, it was giving a fatal error, now this is fixed (_recall.php)
- Fixed: If using newsletter as singlewidget, it was not working right (newsletter.php)
- Fixed: Guest users werent able to upload photos to the galleries if selected (gallery/gallery.php)
- Fixed: Photos thru the upload proccess of gallery werent displayed in preveiw (.htaccess in /tmp)
- Fixed: Added compatibility for MySQL 5.X
- Fixed: After requesting to be in the newsletter, the continue button was missing (newsletters.php)
- Fixed: Language translation in the page id=profile&aid=activate wasnt working due to a problem translating some texts
- Fixed: There were some JS errors in IE when moving the mouse over the close-folder link of imagebrowser module (browse_images.tpl)
- Fixed: When editing a missing file with the tpl_editor it was giving a php error (tpl_editor.php)
- Fixed: When editing templates with the templates editor with IE, if the template had accents or latin characters such as ñ , they were getting 'destroyed' for weird characters, now this is fixed (tpl_editor.php)
- Fixed: Double quotes werent working on the language tpl_editor input texts, now this is fixed (tpl_editor.php)
- Fixed: Moved the kezoor css in html.tpl before the js loads to avoid a firebug bug which would conflict with the usage of it (html.tpl)
- Fixed: When appeared a mutple_list input of pages, pars and cats, the pages selection was saved correctly but when editing that section containing that input, it wasnt getting re-selected (pagesandtypes_mlist.php)
- Fixed: If there were full_textarea_boxes after a regular inputbox, the full_textarea_box_description text might been cloned from the previous box instead of his own text (include.functions.php)
- Fixed: Some prepublish articles werent getting published (
- Fixed: Gallery image title and desc wasnt allowing accents (galleries.php)
- Fixed Template: Searches on IE7/8 werent working right due to a problem with the search link (search.tpl)
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in which on the quickedit, the values that werent ediable, werent appearing in the editbox as just text (not editable) as it should be, it was just blank
- Fixed: When selecting a sidebar from the sb switcher in the laterals editor, the bottom buttons were getting a wrong label (include.functions.php)
- Fixed: Personalizing PAR Articles sidebars wasnt working (predefinedarts_publish.php)
- Fixed: The link preview in the webpages admincp was giving a wrong link (showing twice http://) in the mod_rewrited url (webpages.php, include.functions.php)
- Fixed: Fixed a bug in which in the predefinedarts Articles indexer template, if you wrote something with "s in the top_image, it was getting a \" in the next edit (predefinedarts_publish.php)
- Fixed: Comparing tpl files were not comparing it right because the TPL Marks were hidden, so u werent able to see them if they were different from the original or not (popup_compare.php)
- Fixed: There was a bug when adding secondar menues to the menues was destroying the primary menu (main_menu.tpl)
- Fixed: In some sites the backups werent getting zipped, this was due to an error of maximum allowed memory, changed the ini option in the php script to allow up to 256mb, this a script error -non kezoor related- (zip.php)
- Fixed Template: A bug in the newsletter.tpl was preventing IE users to move along the TABS in the newsletter section (newsletter.tpl)
- Fixed Template: Fixed a bug in which when enlarging the gallery-albums page the text wouldnt look right (mdl.galleryalbums.tpl)
- Improvement: Added the widget personalization name to the list of personalized widgets for pages (popup_modulesconfig-pages.php)
- Improvement: Widget LatestArticles now will load the customfields from a par that uses real_fields (latestarticles.php)
- Improvement: Added an option to pass a default_folder parameter to the files-browser window (admin/html.tpl, popup_imagesbrowse.php)
- Improvement: In the Most Popular Pages widget, the avoid pages input is now using the multiple-list instead of plain text (mostpopularpages.php)
- Improvement: When updating, now kezoor wont show the new tpl files of themes you dont have installed, instead, will add a link to show them if you want to (updater.php)
- Improvement Language: Added gallery titles/description and photos the multi languages (gallery.php)
- Addon: Now when doing quickfix updates or manual updates kezoor will make a backup of the affected files and put it in your backups folder in case you made a mistake accepting one file (updater.php, update.php install.functions.php)
- Addon: Added a language selector in the admincp (right next to the user-logout button) for when the site has multilanguage enabled or your language isnt english (index.tpl,
- Addon: Added a mark to be able to use customVarMaks when setting php variables in code (has to be set as GlobalVariables::set(varname,varcontent), also remove and get functions are available
- New Feature: Now you can create type of searches that can be called by using the search widget, this searches can search thru custom tables or existing ones with different search options (search.php)
- New Feature: Now you can add multiple filters to your 'Filters' button to be able to filter in a better way (you can filter by items that match all the added filters, before, you could just use 1 condition to match)
- New Feature: Now when looking at the contact_forms_db_values (in the admincp) from the forms you created in your site, you can use the filter to filter the index result
- Improvement: Improved the FileBrowser, now you can also manage your template files, delete files, delete folders, rename files, etc (popup_imagebrowse.tpl, html.tpl, popup_imagebrowse.php)
Changelog December 24
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 24-Dec-09 09:42
Category: Content
Revision: 1.0.9

- Fixed: the pages of pars and mixgroups were displaying non-approved comments (articles.php, _mixgroups.php)
- Fixed: Languages editions from users_fields, users_comments_fields modules are now fixed (they werent working right) (lang_fields.php, users_fields.php, contact_forms_inputs.php,users_comments_fields.php)
- Fixed: Editing us_access option was corrupting the usergroup sometimes
- Fixed: Validator text error had a part of the text in english (validator.php)
- Fixed: New accounts now will set their language to the current site browsing language (profile.php)
- Fixed: If had other language than Spanish, there were problems loading the other language file (
- Fixed: Mailing of account activated was always sent in english no matter what language the user had selected (users.php)
- Fixed: The archives listing wasnt working (archives.php)
- Fixed: Quickfix updates had the value user missing, now it is set to SYSTEM (updater.php)
- Fixed: Since 1.0.8 if the page (of pageindexer) had some (not many) items over the page limit, it wasnt showing the next page
- Fixed: When creating a contact form and users fields, the Category field was empty and not setting a category unless the value was edited again (users_fields.php, contact_forms_inputs.php)
- Fixed: When exporting a file from classic theme to your theme, if the file exists, it said it was overwrited but that wasnt working so the destination file was left unchanged (tpl_editor.php)
- Fixed: If ip2country needed to update the DB (rarely needed, never should happen) the script was having an error with the function getCountryFullName (ip2country.php)
- Fixed: Newsletter sending was giving a fatal error
- Fixed: It wasnt possible to use the tags HTML,BODY,HEADER in the fckeditor, now this is enabled (fckconfig.js)
- Fixed: When using a blank default template, the CSS code entered in the fckeditor was dissapearing from the final page (main_content.php)
- Fixed: Comments were not working on simple pages due to a previous update (comments.php)
- Fixed: Widget SiteContent was displaying articles not yer published or disabled (sitecontent.php)
- Fixed: Categories listing in Multiple LIST wasnt working, giving a SQL error (customfields/webcats_mlist.php)
- Fixed Template: MixGroups option: Dont Show Title and others werent working due to a template problem, all mixgroups.tpl were updated with this fix (mixgroups.tpl)
- Fixed: If there were more than 2 languages, when using the 'display other languages' in the inputboxes, the languages might get more than 1 per line (lang_fields.php)
- Fixed: In the tpls editor, if there were multiple languages, only english and spanish were displayed, now if a custom one is added, it will be displayed as well.
- Fixed: When changing languages in the tpl_editor, in IE this wasnt possible (tpl_editor.tpl)
- Improvement: Filters section is improved to display the fields by their kezoor name and the values of the filter now use a dropdownbox to have a better experience using it (personalize_column.tpl)
- Improvement: When exporting, copying, renaming and deleting templates with the tpl_editor, now the languages of that tpl are connected to the action for the tpl (tpl_editor.php, tpl_editor.tpl)
- Addon: Now when creating a new PAR, if you have selected a category wich contains sub-categories, you will be warned with an alert box to let you know about it (predefined_publish.tpl)
- Addon: Now in the PAR items list you can quickedit the items (predefinedarts_publish.php)
- Fixed Template: Submit button of Forms template were displayed in the wrong page (sort of the middle of the end of the form) now the button is aligned to the right of the form (submitform.tpl)
- Performance Improvement: Engine improvement, between 30%-50% depending on the type of page requests
- New Feature: Now in the PAR Articles Options you have a new option to define custom names and descriptions for the default fields of the pars (page title, category and html), so if you are using it to handle other than pages, you can change those texts to whatever it apply (predefinedarts_publish.php)
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