Index of Version Changelog

This is the index of changelog of keZoor.

Changelog September 21
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 21-Sep-09 18:17
Category: Content
Revision: 1.0.7

- Fixed: The comments of pages the user had no access to, were displayed in the comments widget if selected (latestcomments.php)
- Fixed: Publishing articles in PAR that were set to be user-group specific were still beign posted as public (predefinedarts_publish.php)
- Fixed: Pages with special access (registered users, special usergroups) were sent to the pings pages, now only pages for guests or everyone are sent
- Fixed: Pages with special access will no longer feed into RSS
- Fixed: UserGroups check for webpages wasnt working right when the page had more than 1 group assigned (sitecontent.php,latestarticles.php,articles.php,_mixgroups.php,index.php)
- Fixed: UserGroups restriction for pages wasnt working as expected (includes.functions.php)
- Fixed: Now if  the site has borders in the A href Links, the acpconnector wont display that styling so it will preserve his style (cpconnector.tpl)
- Fixed: When using a singlewidget of gallery photo or galleryalbum, the popup wasnt working (laterals.php)
- Fixed: When using the photo_size of the widget gallery albums/photos, the value was stored but not displayed when the widget settings were edited, so if saved again and left unchanged, the value was removed.
- Fixed: AdminCP in IE8 wasnt displaying any images of the menus, fixed with a workaround to tell the browser to handle the page with IE7 compatibility, this seems to be a IE bug... (html.tpl)
- Fixed: The verification code of the custom form boxes, was outside the box (if created in-box) (forms.php)
- Fixed: When publishing an article with a 'publish on date' option enabled or published as 'disabled', the article was still being pinged to your pingHosts (
- Fixed: Using the option 'show articles from same par' for widget 'latest articles' and 'latest comments', it wasnt working, now its fixed (latestarticles.php, latestcomments.php)
- Fixed: Creation of file archives want working right with the files (
- Fixed Template: When browsing an article that had tags and a comments box, the tags was getting a little overlapped by the comments box (body_content.tpl)
- Fixed Template: When browsing an article that had tags and they had 2 lines, the two lines of the tags were overlapped (body_content.tpl)
- Fixed Template: When browsing an article that had pagesindexer it might overlap with the commentsbox or whatever was next, now in the tpl i added a padding:10px to solve that issue(pagesindexer.tpl)
- Fixed Template: In the webpages admincp section, the filter of the top-right was out of the box with a margin -20px, removed now (webpages.tpl)
- Change: Now the styling added into the pages content will be loaded in the proper html style tags when the output page is created, changed only for a better html structure. also re-structured the admincpconnector html code for this same decision (html.tpl, cpconnector.php)
- Improvement: Now using a custom article template has no need of also using a custom article php file, it will use one by default so you dont need to use a custom one for basic stuff (main_content.php)
- Improvement: Added to the html.tpl a meta tag to avoid google image indexing (html.tpl)
- Improvement: Now the usergroups (guest, everyone, registered, admincpaccess) are always set depending on the user-access, so if you change the user-access of the user, the usergroup will be modified as well (users.php)
- Improvement: Now if in the users section, you give access to a PAR, the access to the admincp par section is automatically given (users.php)
- Improvement: Categories can now hold up to 4 sub-categories instead of just one as before (webcats.php,webcatS_mlist.php,web_categories.php,pagesandtypes_mlist.php and more)
- Improvement: The order of the categories is now improved and in perfect order
- Addon: Now you can show the full-category-name in your templates by using wc_fullname instead of wc_name, by default it shows the current category name
- New Feature: Now when selecting a page with restricted access, you can select if the user dont have access, which to page to redirect him to instead of just showing the noaccess page (index.php).
- New Feature: Now you can add users to usegroups from the usergroups section (using a listbox) instead of having to select each user from the admincp user section and add him to a usergroup (users_groups.php, user.php)
- New Feature: New option in the PAR articles options to display only the child categories of the selected categories when posting a new article (predefinedarts_publish.php,webcats.php)
- New Feature: Now you can add css code in the customimage widget by using the new field in the widget configuration (customimage.php,mdl.customimage.tpl)
- New Feature: Now when creating/editing a PAR, you can select if you want to use the RealField mode, this will make a better performance setup but create extra tables in your database
- New Feature: Now you can use PARs without creating pages (useful for using PAR to handle custom scripts)
- New Feature: Now you can create custom AdminCP Menu Links to point to your scripts added to the management folder and give access to admincp users to that section
- New Feature: Added filter and column customization to PAR Published articles listing
- New Feature: Added CSS_Editor selector to be able to use a basic CSS edition (faster to load) (css_editor.php)
Changelog Jun 23
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 23-Jun-09 15:14
Category: Content
Revision: 1.0.6

- Fixed: Opening a Gallery photo from the widget wasnt letting use the bottom actions to go prev-next, scroll, etc (gallery.tpl,common_js.tpl)
- Fixed: RSS Feed was begin corrupted by SingleWidgets (if any) in the content to be added to the RSS
- Fixed: Posting comments thru safari has a temporary fix (body_comments.tpl)
- Fixed: When using 'same par' from comments widget option, it was giving a sql error (latestcomments.php)
- Fixed: The forms werent appearing in PAR Articles (if selected) (index.php,main_content.php,forms.php)
- Fixed: Submitted forms info werent showing the right date of submittion (contact_forms_review.php)
- Fixed: There was a bug with the statsview that was always showing 1 as the referer amount for the referer pages, now its fixed but will not fix the months already cached, so its fixed from now on (include.stats.php)
- Fixed: It wasnt possible to delete a bookmark that was pointing to an unexistent section, now its fixed bacause in the bookmark link, you have a delete icon to delete it without having to enter the bookmark (index.tpl)
- Fixed: The filter by pageid in the comments wasnt working properly (webpages.php, users_comments.php)
- Addon: Added captcha on form submitions (forms.php,formsubmit.php)
- Addon: Added a link to go to the log in the welcome screen logs-display (welcome.tpl)
- Addon: Now in the comments display list, it will also show the commenter ip, his nickname will be linked to the edit_user admincp section and the webpage link will ask for webpage_edition or website_link when clicked (users_comments.tpl)
- Addon: Now in the widget GalleryAlbums and GalleryPhoto you can select the width of the photos to display (mdl.galleryphoto.tpl,mdl.galleryalbums.tpl,galleryalbums.php,galleryphoto.php)
- Addon: Now the TPLEditor also has the ImageBrowser to add images/marks from it to the editing tpl content (call.imagebrowse.php, tpl_editor.php)
- Addon: Added a quickswitch of files to the tpl editor (tpl_editor.tpl,tpl_editor.php)
- Change: Allowed % sign to option 'image resize' in 'custom Image' widget
- Change: Statsview referers list are now ordered by hits and the urls are clickeable (statsview.tpl)
- New Feature: In the tpl_editor now you have two links (compare) and (see custom/original), the first one will open a window comparing your file with the one in the classic folder, and the second link will show the custom file (the one of your theme) or the original file (the one of the classic folder) (tpl_editor.tpl)
- New Feature: For native admins (admin acc), when browsing your site, at the top right corner you can now deploy an admincp connector (index.php,cpconnector.php
Changelog May 13
Posted by Admin
Posted on: 13-May-09 16:37
Category: Content
Revision: 1.0.5

- Fixed: Removed {! !} tags from the search results (search.php)
- Fixed: Since last update, latestarticles wasnt showing the right order of articles (latestarticles.php)
- Fixed: The list of subforums on the kforum wasnt lined up (kforum.tpl)
- Fixed: MetaWebLogApi tags/categories wasnt working quite well (metaweblogapi.php)
- Fixed: Now the admin section will use the pagesindexer from the classic/admin/pagesindexer.tpl file
- Fixed: In the AdminCP, the Preview button of the PAR page was appearing in all PAR admincp pages instead of just the articles page (predefinedarts_publish.tpl,predefinedarts_publish.php)
- Fixed: Saving the UserInfo from AdminCP/Profile, if it had html code, it was re-duplicating that code (even tho the html code isnt parsed on display) (users.php,profile.php)
- Fixed: Disabled galleries will not appear in the gallery widgets (galleryphoto.php,galleryalbums.php)
- Fixed: While uploading photos in the admincp to a gallery, the photo preview wasnt appearing (galleries.php)
- Addon: Now on the Single Widgets Items will show which pages/templates are calling it and clicking on them will give an option to edit it or see the page, this feature is also improved on the sidebars display (laterals-connectors.php,marks.php)
- Addon: Now the comments use their own pagesindexer named "comments.pagesindexer.tpl" (comments.php)
- Addon: Widget LatestArticles now have 2 new options to set a title and a link to the displaying content (mdl.latestarticles.tpl, latestarticles.php)
- Improvement: Now the gallery photo display interface has been improved for a better usage (common_js.tpl,gallery.tpl)
- Improvement: The thumbs can now be used in zoom mode, which will create square images and zoom them accordly to look good, this is done by default in the thumb galleries and widgets (thumb2.php,mdl.galleries.tpl,mdl.galleryphoto.tpl,gallery.tpl)
- Improvement: Added prev-next to pagesindexer by number by default (pagesindexer.tpl)
- Improvement: The PrevPage - NextPage indexer is now improved so it wont be linked to a prev or next page if it doesnt have that page (comments.pagesindexer.tpl,pagesindexer.tpl)
- Improvement: Added a Prev-Next button to the regular pages indexer (pagesindexer.tpl)
- Improvement: When displaying an image with the thumb2, if the image does not exists or for some reason its not allowed to be displayed, an image displaying that will be used (thumb2.php)
- Improvement: Add a new button in the update refresh to re-refresh the page so it can look for new updates without going back to the admin home page and a button to go to the update (if any) (updater.php)
- Change: Now the gallery images cant be accessed directly, it has to be accessed from the thumb2.php file, this gives the ability and fix to not to let the users see images from a disabled gallery or a gallery that they dont have access to. This change will provoke that any usage of previous direct linking to gallery images is not going to work. This can be activated by using &zoom=true variable in the image url (thumb2.php)
- Change: Now the comments are handled by ajax, so it will not require a page reload (body_comments.tpl)
- Change: Now if your PAR index is a regular and the cutchars is set to zero or none and you are only showing 1 article per page, the articles comment box for that article will appear automaticaly, otherwise it is disabled (articles.php)
- Change: Now the dateformat in the user profile is changed to a dropdown list instead of a textbox
- New Feature: Now in the PAR Index you have a new option to display the index page as 'redirect', 'redirect with indexpages' and 'no redirect', this will allow to do the same as in the mixgroup index option (articles.php)
- New Feature: Now when updating kezoor, in the section of 'files that need reviewal', it will also display themed files that might later need change to use the new features, also, a log with all this information will be stored in the DB along with the user who ran the update (update.php)
- New Feature: In the tpl_editor now it will let you know if a file (usually a customized file with a different name than the parent file -like tpls for pages-) is outdated compared to its parent file in your classic folder which will always get updated by the kezoor updater (tpl_editor.tpl,tpl_editor.php)
- New Feature: Added a new icon to the imagebrowser which will display a list of the most-common available kezoor marks to use in your content and be able to select each to add it to your content (call.imagebrowse.php,browse_images.tpl)
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