Kezoor Documentation: Sidebars Display

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One of the amazing features of kezoor is the ability to create multiple sidebars.
Each page can have different 'Index Templates' and those templates can have sidebars in different places. When you create a page, in those spots where the sidebars will appear, you can select which available sidebar you want to use.

Configuring the Widgets:

The Sidebars can have infinite Widgets, you can drag and drop them from the left to the right and then configure them by clicking on the small button at the right of the widget you just moved.

There are two types of 'Widgets Configurations', the dark blue ones and the soft blue ones (as you can see, each widget appear twice in the left list, one as soft blue and one as dark blue).

The dark blue:

Each moved widget have only one configuration, so if you drop 10 'Info Boxes' and modify one, the other 9 will be modified too, this also affects Widgets that are in other sidebars, so if you had another sidebar with 1 'Info Box', that one would be modified too. This is useful for Widgets like 'User Panel', you might want to add them in several sidebars and pretty much all of those widgets will have the same configuration.

The soft blue:

Each moved widget can have its own configuration, so you can drop 10 'Info Boxes' and each one configure it differently, no one will affect the others, no matter if you have more in the same sidebar or in other sidebar.

Some Widgets require a configuration to work, so always remember to configure them after u moved them.

Importing Sidebars:

If you want to create a Sidebar as a copy of another, you can Import a sidebar, this will REMOVE all your Widgets from the current sidebar, read the widgets and configurations from the selected sidebar to import, and then create it in your sidebar with that configuration, from there, you can do any modification you want in your sidebar and will not affect the one from where you copied it.

Creating a Sidebar On The Fly:

Sometimes when you are creating a page, you need to create a sidebar, in those pages,  from the sidebar selector, you can click on 'Create Sidebar' and a popup will open with this same page so you dont need to leave your page to create a new sidebar.

Customizing Sidebars for Pages:

Remember that when creating a page, you can also customize the selected sidebar for that page, overwriting the Widgets Configurations ONLY for that sidebar.

Always remember to SAVE the page after a Sidebar modification (added/removed widgets) since the Widgets movements (add/remove) are only saved after clicking on SAVE.

Kezoor Documentation

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Webpages and Sidebars 

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Create new Scripts
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Categories Organizer
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Default Content
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Published Content
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Publish Content
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